
Young at Night 2

Young at Night 2. Six young makers with a connection to Eindhoven, are students at a creative school, freshly graduated, or are so-called “self-taught” artists. With their existing works, they shape their own group exhibition together.

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DDW 2024 (NL)

DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
DDW 2023
Young at Night

Tijdens Dutch Design Week 2023 tonen we werk van LUCA school of Arts, Jip Schalkx & Louise Huyghe, Zuzanna Skurka, Jurre Latour, Dogtooth, Blank Fish, Carolina Trinker, Sabina Scorțanu, Maya Factor, Gieselle Dahm, Daniel Garber & Amalia Magril, en Leonie von saldern. 

Meer info zie DDW website. 


Residency program

DDW 2023

Kom en zie de projecten van: 
Embryø - The House is a Marionette - Disembodied voices from beyond the horizon - Cringe or Cool? - Interwoven: LUCA meets LUCA - Gas to Green - brik walls and brick curtains and brick blankets - Door de kieren vervlogen - 1000 Hours - Internet Explorer - Beetle Convicted After Spruce Found Dead - Coping with Mechanisms - When Body Becomes an Exotic Vessel  Limestone Books

Dagelijks open  21 oktober - 29 oktober 11am-18pm

Opening zaterdag 21 okotober 14pm - 18pm

Finnisage zondag 29 oktober 16pm - 19pm

Gratis entree tijdens de DDW